G'day Mate
I realise that some of you who read our blogg don't understand Swedish so i will have to try to remember to write my comments in English. Anyway, to summarise our time in Australia so far:
1. We found and moved in to an apartment on Bondi Beach, suitable for all of us!
2. We have realised that Australian winters are cold
3. *Aussies are great people
4. We have commenced our term at Univeristy of Technology, Sydney (studying business)
5. Done some of the touristy stuff in Sydney
6. Oh yeah - had to visit IKEA!
7. Found some good places to eat and seen some bad movies
I am sure that you get the jist of things from our photos!
Thanks for following Sydney etc!
1. We found and moved in to an apartment on Bondi Beach, suitable for all of us!
2. We have realised that Australian winters are cold
3. *Aussies are great people
4. We have commenced our term at Univeristy of Technology, Sydney (studying business)
5. Done some of the touristy stuff in Sydney
6. Oh yeah - had to visit IKEA!
7. Found some good places to eat and seen some bad movies
I am sure that you get the jist of things from our photos!
Thanks for following Sydney etc!
Chip Fuck this inlagg fucking sucked big balls with maccaroni and champagne... get fucking creative! start smoking the weed already!
Bra ordnat av er, med lägenhet och blogg och allt =D Här ösregnar det och för en gångs skulle är man glad att man sitter inne och jobbar :) Tack för biorecensionen på Public Enemies, jag gav Peter en present att se den på bio, tror jag ska ändra det nu, haha :=)
PS. Stampus-tröjorna har kommit. Min tjocktröja slutar vid naveln, jag är förkrossad!!
kolla gärna in min blogg om du har tid och lust och ork och allt vad det är man säger, jag har bland annat en tävling, en fråga och frågestund just nu.
URL: http://askerkling.blogg.se/
ja kolla in emmas blogg! hah