Collective Consciousness

Why is it that everywhere we go we try to seek security in things that seem familiar to us!?

What I'm refering to now is the fact that we have found it much easier getting in contact with fellow Swedes in Australia than the Aussies.

My preliminary intentions with moving to Sydney was in fact to get away from everything that Sweden represented.
Alas the only thing I can do is to accept the fact that it's always going to be easier to relate to someone of the same nationality and doing things typical of it, like going to IKEA or eating the same food as at home.

I am not the only person failing in this way... society is living proof of that phenomenon, the way people with the same background or economic status create social groupings.

Would we otherwise feel like castaways?


Postat av: Pa J

C, as you are not a Pommie B I'm sure you will find it easy to get to know the locals. Have you met Ian yet ? Did you get the e-mail with our summer pictures or did it get stuck in cyberspace?

2009-08-18 @ 18:54:35

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