New Zeeland here we come!
We have finally booked tickets to New Zeeland for the beginning of Spring Break! Leaving the 26th september and away until Wednesday the 30th. During our stay we hope to spend time with Lisa N who recently stayed with us in Bondi! She will probably show us the best of Aukland and more! I'm at least looking forward to my return visit...
The morning after we come back we are immediately leaving for a surf trip, 3 hours south of Byron Bay. This weekend getaway will hopefully be a great combination of partying and surfing. The aussie experience perhaps? Spring break is in celebration of the mid-term exams that are the week before.
The morning after we come back we are immediately leaving for a surf trip, 3 hours south of Byron Bay. This weekend getaway will hopefully be a great combination of partying and surfing. The aussie experience perhaps? Spring break is in celebration of the mid-term exams that are the week before.
Postat av: Pa J
Fösökt nå dig via mail. Använder du din mail ? Ni verkar ha det riktigt bra !!
Postat av: Lena
Postat av: Lena
Vad härligt det låter! Kan ni inte ta kontakt med Eriks familj i Auckland också? De skulle tycka att det vore jättekul att träffa er!
Kan hälsa ifrån Sirilak (Tommys familj - Exiles). Hon hälsar alltid till dig och minns din studentlunch! Var på Bottega Veneta event i går kväll och träffade där Hilles syrra bl a! Kul kul. Hade min LA jacka!!!!
Ha det! xxx Ma